These planes are so cool! With few materials we can make very simple airplanes that the little ones will love. We have used homemade materials that we can recycle to make this little toy. We will use a wooden clothespin, some ice cream sticks and some toy stroller wheels that we can take advantage of.
The rest of the design will depend on our ingenuity. I have used acrylic paint to give them color, although we already know that we can use our imagination to put the tone we want and give those little lines or spots to their wings.
The materials that I have used are:
- 5 popsicle sticks
- two wooden clothespins
- light blue, blue, light pink, red acrylic paint
- two small colored pompoms
- two toy cars that can be recycled to make use of the wheels
- scissors
- thick brush and fine brush
- pencil
- hot silicone with gun
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We paint two of the sticks light blue and another two of the sticks light pink. We paint one of the wooden clothespins blue and the other red.
Second step:
We take a stick and cut it in half. The ends that are flat of the cutout we give them a rounded shape. Of the two sticks that we have formed, we paint one red and the other blue.
Third step:
We will need the wheels for the planes. From the cars that we have to recycle, we take out the wheels with their axles to glue them later in the lower part of the plane.
Fourth step:
We can assemble our plane: with the help of the hot silicone we glue the wings of the plane both the front and the back. With the help of the silicone we will also glue the wheels that we have extracted from the cars. We glue the small pompoms on the nose of the plane.
Fifth step:
With our plane mounted we can decorate the wings with paint. With the help of a fine brush we paint some lines on the rear wing of the plane and on the other wing we can paint abstract round shapes.