Recycled bottle for Father's Day gift

This craft is ideal to do with children. If you have a pot of cocoa at home, it will be ideal, although any pot, even glass, can be useful jam jars are also a good option.

It is also a very simple craft that children over 6 years old can do with some instructions and minors will need help from adults to do it.

What do you need to do the craft

  • 1 jar or jar
  • 1 red bow
  • 1 small yellow glitter paper
  • 1 small blue glitter paper
  • 1 scissors
  • 1 glue
  • Markers

How to make the recycled bottle for Father's Day gift

First you will have to have the very clean boat that you have chosen to make this craft on hand. Then you will have to draw a trophy on the yellow glitter paper of the appropriate size for the pot you have chosen. It is a symbol that for the son his father is number 1 among all the parents in the world.

Then the one is cut out and glued on top of the trophy as you see in the image. The finished trophy is then stuck in the pot. A red bow is taken and wrapped as a gift to end it. We have put some optional decorations with washi tape, but it can also be decorated with paints or markers ... according to the materials you have available or to your liking.

The can can be empty for dear parent to use as it suits him or it can go with little notes inside. The notes can be written with messages of love and phrases of affection addressed to the father. Surely the father will be very happy to get all those notes from his interior and discover how many beautiful things his children think of him. It will be a very special gift!

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