Reindeer brooch for Christmas


What do you think of this nice reindeer Christmas made with felt? I'm sure many of you love the Christmas DIYs, so, in CraftsOn we will continue to provide you with ideas so that you can make them and inspire you.

At Christmas jerseys are usually customized but I am quite sorry to wear a sweater to wear it only a couple of days, so, here you have a fun alternative. You can make the customizations of the jerseys by adding brooches. Below you will find the tutorial to make this reindeer.


  1. Felt. 
  2. Glue. 
  3. Scissors.




We will cut a round of brown felt helping us with the lid of a boat for the shape. That will be the face of our reindeer. Then we will shape the horns. As you can see, it is simply a matter of cutting them the same.

Next we will cut the other pieces of the reindeer. He sniffed, his nose, and his eyes. All this you can do either with templates or by eye because it is not necessary that it be exactly the same.

Finally we will hook all the pieces and we will hook a clasp on the back.

Until the next DIY!

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