Reindeer costume for the house pet


About a month ago I taught you how to make a Halloween pumpkin costume for the house mascot and now, I will show you how, from the same base, we can make a costume reindeer perfect for the Christmas.

Before starting, it is very important to choose well the material with which we will make the reindeer costume. This one is made with felt, but it can be made with any other type of fabric as long as it is a little "stiff" so it will hold its shape and hold well.


  1. Felt fabric or another type of fabric.
  2. Needle, thread and scissors.
  3. Cotton.
  4. Velcro.




  1. FOR the cape and hood we will use the same pattern that we already used from the blog Mimi & Tara and that served us for the pumpkin costume.
  2. Once we have printed the standard, we will cut the pieces corresponding to the cape and hood. Also the straps to fasten.
  3. We will sew the cape, the hood and the strips. To the latter we will put Velcro to be able to close it.
  4. Then we will add the details to shape the reindeer costume. First we will cut some horns of about 15 cm, we will sew on the inside, we will turn them over and fill them with cotton. Next we will make an opening in the hood for each of the horns, we will introduce them there and we will sew them to it.
  5. Then we will make some smiling eyes that we will also sew to the hood.
  6. Finally, with red felt and cotton inside we will create the nose of the reindeer.

More information. -Halloween pumpkin costume for your dog
Fountain. - Mimi & Tara Dog Clothes Patterns

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