Roll with chocolates for parties

Roll with chocolates for parties

We have another great idea to do small gifts at parties. It is a roll made with cardboard, which we can reuse from a kitchen roll, and where we have rolled it with orange paper.

We will shape it into a giant candy and inside the tube we will put candies of colors. We will place some decorative bows on it and finally we will create the final touch... we will glue it around it chocolate bars Kinder type or any brand, so that the surprise comes full of a sweet moment.

The materials that have been used for the chocolate rolls:

  • 1 long cardboard roll to recycle.
  • Orange colored paper.
  • Gold and silver decorative ribbon.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.
  • Kinder-type elongated chocolate bars.
  • Colored candies.
  • Scissors.

You can see this manual step by step in the following video:

First step:

We place the paper on the table and roll it over a piece of paper roll. At the same time we wrap it, we hit it with the hot silicone.

Second step:

When we reach the end of the roll we cut it and discard the excess paper.

Third step:

We glue and seal the edge of the papers. We take one of the edges and roll it to make the shape of a large giant candy.

Fourth step:

In the other end that has been left unclosed, we put the colored candies. Then I close those ends by twisting the paper, as in the previous step.

Fifth step:

We cut some pieces of ribbon and knot them at the ends of the roll. We can choose two versions of the bow: gold or silver.

Roll with chocolates for parties

Step Six:

With the roll formed, we will pour the hot silicone on its surface to stick the chocolates. We will align them one by one.

Seventh step:

It will give us to place between 7 or 8 units. Afterwards we can enjoy this magnificent figure to give as a gift.

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