How to Make Rope Trees and Black Beans for Christmas

decorative trees

In this tutorial I will teach you how to create some decorations rope trees and black beans to Christmas. They will look great on a table, on a shelf, or if you make them quite large on the floor they will attract a lot of attention.


To make the decorative christmas tree you will need the following materials:

  • Styrofoam or cardboard cone
  • Jute rope
  • Cold or spray silicone
  • Black beans
  • Purpurin

Step by step

This craft is very easy. You have to start by covering the tree with the rope and then you make the decoration to your liking with the lima beans.

In the next video-tutorial I show you the step by step in detail so you can make the rope trees and black beans yourself.

As you can see, to create the rope trees and black beans you must work a little imagination. You have thousands of designs, since you can create different drawings with the beans.

Let's go over the steps to follow to create your decorative tree and so you can make yourself easily.

  1. Surround the entire cone with the jute rope, fixing it with cold silicone or gun silicone.
  2. Stick the black beans with the hot silicone wherever you want, creating a pattern from top to bottom.
  3. Surround the entire drawing you just made with the beans with silicone. You can use glitter silicone or you can stick the glitter on afterwards.
  4. Without letting the silicone dry, apply glitter on it, and shake the tree well so that the excess falls off.
  5. To continue decorating, you can apply a circle with plenty of silicone and glue the bean in the center, so that the silicone comes out of the edges.
  6. Also apply glitter there.
  7. Using a clean paintbrush or brush, remove all loose glitter from the tree.

And this will be the result.

decorative tree

Christmas tree

Remember that you can also use chickpeas, coffee beans, lentils ... and you also have many colors of glitter to choose from.

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