Routine table before going to bed

Routine table before going to bed

In today's craft we have made a very original routine table so that the little ones can do it every day. This table is very fun to make, we just have to recreate our imagination to make some small pictures that children can interpret before making them. This table is designed so that before going to bed they can do the simple tasks that they have to do every day, such as reading or brushing their teeth and thus their daily routine becomes fun and fleeting. When they do the task they have to raise the tab to indicate that it is finished and that will make them feel proud.

The materials that I have used are:

  • one sheet of light yellow A4 size card stock
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • colored markers
  • scissors
  • silicone glue
  • trimmable magnet tape or roll

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We choose an A4 card and we will mark a line with a pencil 7 cm from one of its longest sides. We are going to fold the cardboard in half but only how far we have made the mark or line with the pencil. We will measure the length of the cardboard, in my case it is 32 cm and we are going to divide it into 7. This number 7 is the number of tabs that we will cut later. When dividing it, it gave me 4,5 cm and I have made 7 marks with that measurement to draw parallel lines and then be able to cut them.

Second step:

We are going to write freehand and with a pen on each tab, the little tasks that children have to do. We will do it on the inside of the tab, the area that will be covered and then we will proceed to review the phrases with a black marker. In the wide quadrant part above, we will draw the same dividing lines with a pencil so that the drawings that we will make below are separated. We will make these drawings with a pencil as a sketch to review them later with a marker and color them.

Third step:

As we said, We review with a black marker and color the drawings. Below I describe the tasks that I have been putting in the table and in each tab, starting from the first one from the left to the right, with their respective pictures: "Going to the bathroom" (with the picture of a toilet), "washing teeth (with a toothbrush), "wash hands" (with a tap pouring water), "put on pajamas" (with pajamas), "read a book" (with a book), "drink a glass of water "(With a glass of water" and "give mom a kiss" (with lips).

Routine table before going to bed

Fourth step:

We mark and review some areas with a marker so that differentiate its elements and thus it is more decorative. The letters above that make the title can also be decorated with red shadows to decorate them.

Fifth step:

In the front part of the tabs that are collected upwards we will write the word DONE !!, for this we will write each word with different colors. So that the eyelashes stick up, we will cut out some pieces of magnet that come in a roll and we will glue them with glue. And we will have our routine table ready for the children to do their homework before going to bed.

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      PILAR said

    Hi, I love this board, it's great!
    Is the magnet you used a self-adhesive magnet roll?

         Alicia tomero said

      If that is! With a roll of self-adhesive magnet it would be perfect.