Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a Santa hat bookmark. It is very simple to make and perfect to make with children these holidays or to give together with a book or other similar gift.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make our Santa hat bookmark
- Cardstock or thick red paper
- Thin white paper, you can use that of some magazines
- Hot glue gun
- Pen or pencil
- Scissors
Hands on craft
- The first step is draw a hat on the red paper. You can find a template to trace if you prefer.
- Se fold the paper in half to cut out the hat and thus obtain two pieces equal. It is necessary to have two pieces since the sheets of the books will be caught between them as a clamp.
- Put hot silicone on top of one of the pieces of hat to glue the two pieces only on that part. We press well so that they are well glued.
- To get a better result you can file the edges that have been glued with silicone to make them come together and look like one whole piece.
- We cut out two rectangles of white paper, put them together and cut the edges in a wavy way to simulate the hair on the lower part of the hat. We glue each piece to the bottom of each of the red pieces.
- We make two paper balls and glue on the end of the hat, one on each side and cover both with another piece of white paper that we will have previously crumpled to make texture. You can also do this with two white pompoms.
And ready! We already have our bookmark ready to be used.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.