Santa Claus ornament in eva rubber

Eva rubber santa claus

Christmas night is coming when Papai Noel visit all the houses of all the children in the world to leave their corresponding gifts. Therefore, today we also dedicate a special and simple ornament to place on the Christmas tree.

Thus, Papai Noel also will be part of the family thanks to this Christmas ornament that we make with our own hands. It is a fairly simple craft that children can do quietly so let's get to work!


  • Eva rubber of different colors.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • White folio.
  • Silicone.
  • Permanent black fine tip marker.


Firstly, we will draw our santa claus on a blank page. Just his face without forgetting his beard or his characteristic hat.

Then come on cutting each piece little by little and embossing it in each corresponding color of eva rubber, and then cutting it.

Once we have all the pieces of eva rubber we will stick them together to train our beloved Santa Claus.

Finally, with a fat rope or thread we will pass a needle with it so that we can hang it on our Christmas tree. In addition, with a marker we will make the eyes.

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      David said

    I have loved this simple idea, and at the same time beautiful. I am going to make some medium sticks to put in the Christmas gifts, with the names to which they are destined, in the beard of Santa Claus. Thanks