Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a Santa's hat perfect to incorporate into parties this christmas.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make our Santa Claus hat for parties
- Red card
- White paper, magazine scraps can be used
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- Chinese chopstick or Moorish skewer
- Ballpoint pen or pencil
Hands on craft
- The first step is draw our Santa hat on the red cardboard, for this we can trace a template if we prefer.
- We fold the cardboard in half so that when cutting we obtain two pieces the same.
- We glue these two parts leaving one end unglued to later be able to put the stick with which you can hold the hat.
- In white paper we are going to make two paper balls of a size as similar as possible. Squash the balls a little and stick them at the end of the hat, one on each side.
- On another piece of white paper we cut out two rectangles, put them together and cut the ends in a wavy way to simulate the hair on the bottom of Santa's hats.
- We glue these pieces at the bottom, one on each side, but we don't glue them together.
- We introduce the stick in the end without gluing and put silicone little by little to get it to stick well. Then we are gluing the rest of the cardboard and paper pieces until it seems that it is all one piece.
- We can touch up by cutting an edge that has been a little uneven. This can especially occur in the lower part of the white pieces.
And ready! We already have our Santa Claus hat ready for the holidays.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.