Santa Claus napkin holder

Santa Claus napkin holder

The Christmas table must be fully decked out for dinners and lunches on these Christmas dates. Everything that compose it must have a Christmas reason to look showy and eye-catching as well as according to Christmas.

Therefore, today we present a very inexpensive Christmas motif but something elegance in which children can collaborate. A really fun napkin holder made with recycled materials to save some things on this table.


  • Roll of toilet paper.
  • Red, black and yellow fietlro.
  • Glue.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Napkins.


  1. We will line the roll paper with red felt.
  2. We will cut a wide strip of felt in black and we will sew it from the back.
  3. We will cut a felt square in yellow and we will stick it on the black strip.
  4. Dejar dry off.
  5. Enter the Napkins.

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