Set of hoops for children

Hello everybody! In today's craft let's see how to make this hoop game with the children and then spend entertaining moments competing and playing as a family.

Do you want to see how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our set of rings

  • Paperboard.
  • A cardboard roll of kitchen paper or two of toilet paper.
  • Strong glue like hot silicone.
  • Colored markers or any other type of paint that can be used on cardboard.

Hands on craft

  1. The first step is cut out all the pieces in cardboard. We are going to need several rings, as many as we really want. We can also make them in two or three different shades, so that each member of the family has their own earrings. We will also cut out a large circle or square.

  1. On the center of the circle or large square we are going to stick the kitchen paper roll. In case of using two of toilet paper, we will glue the two rolls together to make a longer one, we can wrap them in paper so that they remain more attached. We will glue the roll with a strong glue such as hot silicone.

  1. Once we have all the pieces cut out and glued, let's start decorating. We can paint the base of the circle and the roll in the color we prefer or leave them unpainted. Afterwards, everyone can decorate their own earrings as they like. In this way, each one will have their own personalized rings to differentiate them without problem when playing.
  2. Once we have the game ready, it is the time to start playing. We can play only one to challenge ourselves. We can play several people, each one throwing a ring until the roll of paper is full and then count to see who has fitted more rings.

And ready!

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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