Snake with corks

Hello! In today's craft we are going to make this funny snake with corks. You can make it the size you prefer just by adding more or less corks, it is ideal to do with children so that they can play afterwards or decorate a shelf.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our snake with corks

  • Straight wine corks
  • Punch, pointed scissors or something sharp to pierce
  • String to join all pieces
  • Some red card,
  • Craft eyes or black and white cardboard to make eyes or black marker.
  • Glue
  • Cutter
  • Scissors

Hands on craft

  1. The first is clean the corksFor this we can boil them in water for a few minutes, drain them and let them dry for at least an hour. This step is optional.
  2. We cut between 3 and 4 corks into slices about half a centimeter. This is indicative since it will depend on the size we want the snake to have.

  1. We make a hole in the center Of all the slices, it must be large enough so that the connecting cord can pass through and that when making a knot it remains fixed without going through the hole.

  1. We go through the string and make a knot between slice and slice so they stay separate. We are adding until we obtain the desired size.

  1. To make a better finish we split a cork in half, one of those halves we finish in a point to make the tail and drill a little to introduce the string a little and fix it with silicone.

  1. We take the other half of the cork and cut a corner to make the head more pointed. We fix it to the body in the same way as the tail. We glue the eyes and the tongue.

  1. If you want, you can paint the snake's body with tempera.

And ready! We already have our snake finished. You can play with the length of the snake or do as many as you like.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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