Snowflake Crafts


Hello everyone! The snow has finally arrived and with it we want to give you several ideas related to snowflakes to be able to do those days that in addition to going out to play in the street with the snow, it is good to be inside the house to protect ourselves from the cold.

Do you want to know what these crafts are?

Snowflake Craft Number 1: Make Snowflakes to Decorate Windows

snowflake window

The snow has been long awaited and now that we can see it fall on occasion, we like to see it from the warmth of the house, but... in case it doesn't snow as much as we want, we can also decorate our windows with these snowflakes.

You can see how to do this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you below: Snowflake to decorate the windows

Snowflake craft number 2: make snowflakes to decorate your nails

snowflake to decorate nails

Why not paint our nails in a wintery way making these simple snowflakes?

You can see how to do this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you below: Easy snowflake for nails

Snowflake craft number 3: make drawn snowflakes to decorate sheets of paper, cards, etc.

paper snowflakes

Another option to make snowflakes is to use them for our notebooks, diaries, cards... or everything that we are going to use on paper during the winter.

You can see how to do this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you below: How to make paper snowflakes

Snowflake craft number 4: make snowflakes to hang and decorate shelves and rooms

snow rain

Snowflake garlands? Of course, let's put the snow in the house too.

You can see how to do this craft step by step by looking at the link that we leave you below: Snow shower with cotton balls

And ready!

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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