Christening and baby shower They are parties that are held when a baby arrives in the world. There is always the tradition of giving something away, but it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on it, you can make really nice and cheap things. In this post I am going to teach you how to make this souvenir for these celebrations as a gift for the guests.
Materials to make the christening or baby shower souvenir
- Colored and printed eva rubber
- Scissors
- Glue
- Mobile eyes
- Circular object or compass
- Permanent markers
- Adhesive beads
- Blush and a cotton swab
- Eva rubber punches
Procedure to make the christening or baby shower souvenir
- To start you have to choose one stamped rubber and another skin color to make the face of the baby.
- Cut out a raindrop shape on the printed eva rubber. Do the same inside but with a smaller size to make the hole for the bag.
- With the help of a circular object or a compass cut out a circle about 6 cm in diameter approximately in skin-colored eva rubber.
- Take the two small circles with the eva rubber punch to form the baby's ears and glue them to the sides of the face.
- With a spiral hole punch (if you don't have you can use any or cut it out) shape hair and stick it on the head.
- Then I am going to put the details of the face: eyes, eyelashes and nose (with a black marker) and blush on the cheeks.
- To create the pacifier I'm going to use an eva rubber heart and a ring that I made with the punches.
- I will stick it in the mouth and then, on top, the ring and the eva rubber button with silver glitter will go.
- Being a girl I am going to place two earrings using sticky pearls and a flower that will decorate her hair.
- Now i'm going to ask un loop for the top of the bag. Cut out a strip of white foam rubber and twist it. Then, close the set with another piece a little smaller.
- You can trim the ends to a point.
- Very carefully glue it up.
- To further customize the project I am going to place the girl's name on an eva rubber label that I am going to attach with two strips to the main bag.
- Now we just have to stick it to the bag and on top of it the baby's face.
We have finished this perfect project to celebrate a christening or baby shower. I hope you liked it.