Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a easy space rocket h quick to make, ideal to perform with children These days when it snows and you can't leave the house so much.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make our space rocket
- Craft sticks, three or four
- Cardboard and / or colored papers. It is important that some are in red, orange and / or yellow tones to be able to make the rocket flame
- Scissors
- Glue or hot glue gun
Hands on craft
- The first step is to gather and glue the craft sticks to make the rocket body. If we use hot silicone they stick well at the joints, if we use another type of glue we can secure these sticks with another that goes through the back of the rocket.
- We cut the pieces of cardboard or paper. We will need a triangular one for the nose of the rocket, a round or rectangular one for the window and then different cards of red, orange, yellow colors ... with cuts of different sizes that simulate fire flames. You can have a reference of these pieces in the following photograph. The important thing is that at least one of the flames and the triangle are the width of the rocket's body.
- We glue all the pieces. To do this, we first put the triangle and the window that is simpler and then we place the flames to our liking. When we have the superposition of the flames that we like, we will glue them.
And ready! We already have our rocket ship ready to take off.
We can put it on a wall, on the flap of a notebook, stick a couple of magnets on the back to put it on the fridge or simply that the little ones of the house use it to play. It is a very versatile craft.