There is no better gift for a father than a craft made by his son exclusively for him. So today I bring you an idea for the special Father's Day: letter boxes to make with children.
Necessary materials
To create the boxes you will need clay. You can use the one you like the most or are the one you are used to working with.
For younger children I recommend a soft clay so that it does not cost them a lot of work to stretch it, and in this way they can do most of this craft, which is what it is about.
To stretch the clay, use a roller and to cut it with a knife or clay cutter, which does not cut and is not dangerous for the little ones.
Step by step of letter boxes to make with children
Let's see what you must do to create any letter or number.
- Roll the clay out into a thin sheet.
- Cut out the shape of the letter or number you want to create.
- Create a line with another piece of clay and stretch it equally.
- Cut the line to the width you want.
- Surround the letter with the line you just made.
Some children find it easier to cut the shapes with scissors. They can do it this way without problem.
Let it air dry or bake the pieces if your clay is from baking. You should look at it in the instructions on the package.
And when they have dried you can put whatever you want inside. They look great as desk organizers.
Or for the small parts of the toolbox.
Try multiple colors or just one shade. Try to think about how your father would like the design and try to make it as personalized as possible. You can even paint some details like dots and lines on them with acrylic paint or permanent markers.
The boxes can be made with the letters you want. I have formed the word "dad" to give you the idea for Father's Day, but you can put his name or any important or meaningful word for you. Even the boxes with numbers that form a certain date look very good.