Good morning to everybody. Preparing the party for Halloween? What do you want is some decoration idea? ... More and more it takes what decorate the hall for Halloween and surprise the children when they come to the houses for candy, with that "Trick or Treat."
Today we will see how to make a silicone spider web garland for decorate the hall in Halloween. With a realistic look, but fun at the same time.
Materials to make the garland:
The materials that we will need are the following:
- Silicone gun with its bars.
- Oil.
- Glass plate.
- A gauze
About the plate we will add a few drops of oil and by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of Spain with the gauze we will spread it all over the background. With the gun loaded with silicone We will begin to make the spider web, following the scheme of the drawings. (I have explained it like this because the silicone being transparent did not look good in the photos). First we do a cross resting the tip on the plate so that the line comes out more straight and uniform. Then comes the x. Then we form curves in the most central part as seen in the drawing and we repeat with the outer part. After we will wait for it to dry and we will pull it to detach it from the plate. When we have a few we only have join one with the other: for this, two are put on the plate and a curve is passed and so on with the following until they all join.
We can hang it where we like the most, in my case I have placed it on the sideboard in the hallAt that point, surely children see it and like it, because although it seems real, it is very funny. Don't you think?
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