Sponge Bear

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see how to make this sponge bear. It is very easy to make and can be the detail that complements gifts such as baby baskets, baskets of hygiene products or for the bath.

Do you want to know how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our sponge bear

  • A square sponge. If you can't find it, you can buy another type of sponge and cut it square. You can also cut the sponge if you want a smaller bear.
  • Small and fine rubber bands are used for hair.
  • Crafts Eyes
  • Paper and marker, with which we will make the nose of the bear.
  • Hot silicone gun.
  • Ribbon (optional) to tie around the neck.

Hands on craft

  1. We prepare the sponge if we want to cut it. Cut out a circle from white cardboard and paint the bear's nose.
  2. We begin to put the rubbers. The first will be to separate the head from the body.

  1. Then we will put four more rubbers, one on each corner. In the upper corners we are going to take less sponge because it will be the ears. And in the lower corners we will take more sponge since we will be making the legs. It is important that the even corners (i.e. ear to ear and leg to leg) are the same size.
  2. Now we will move the area where we have put the rubbers a little so that they stick more and, therefore, are less visible.

  1. We finish the bear putting the last details. We glue the eyes and the nose with hot silicone. We can add a ribbon of fabric as a bow on the neck as well.

And ready! We already have our bear ready to accompany any gift. You can play with the choice of colors of the sponge and the details of the bear to personalize the gift even more.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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