Stars to decorate Christmas

Stars to decorate Christmas

This Christmas we can do some paper or cardstock stars in a very easy way. With our steps and the demonstration video you can make these ornaments to brighten up any corner. They are quick to do and if you propose you can do many of them, since together they look great.

The materials I have used for the white star:

  • White cardboard.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.

The materials I have used for the red star:

  • Green card
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot silicone or similar glue.
  • A medium green pompom.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

White Star

First step:

We form a perfect square with an A4 card. We fold the cardboard triangle shaped and we place the right angle of the triangle on the left. We take the peak on the right and climb it up.

Second step:

We return to form a right triangle with the right angle on the left and we bend the peak on the right upwards again. Will have formed a obtuse triangle and we leave the longest side on the left. We bend the peak on the left (the one that stayed in the middle to the left).

Third step:

We leave the figure on the table and draw on it three lines in the shape of petals without reaching the corner. Within these petals we draw two semicircles glued to the edge of the frame. We cut out everything we have drawn and we can now unfold everything folded to see the star formed.

Red Star

First step:

We form on a red card and with the help of a ruler and a pencil, a 15 × 15 cm square and we cut it out. We let one of the peaks be placed down and fold the square in half, lifting the peak up.

Second step: 

Will have formed an obtuse triangle and we place the triangle with the long side down. We bend the right beak to the left and turn the triangle to the right, leaving the long side to be on the left.

Third step:

We take the bottom beak and bend it up. We support the shape on the table and draw a vertical curved line from top to bottom. We cut out what is drawn.

Fourth step: 

We draw again two cross lines and curves, from top to bottom and without reaching the bottom. We cut the drawing again and unfold the figure.

Fifth step:

In one of the petals we take one of the cut-out structures, the one in the middle, and we fold it towards the center. So that it stays fixed we stick it with a droplet of silicone. We do the same with each of the petals. In the middle we will stick a green pompom. We can make two star structures and glue them on the back to form a super star.

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