These houses are wonderful. We love to do original and low budget crafts, like this idea made for this Halloween. We will use some wooden sticks and paint them. Then we will the shape of the house and we will decorate it with some cardboard pieces. It is very easy to do and it is a great idea to be able to use it as hanging in any corner.
The materials that I have used for the two houses:
- 7 popsicle stick style wooden sticks.
- Green acrylic paint.
- Purple acrylic paint.
- A paint brush.
- Black cardboard.
- White cardboard.
- A black marker.
- Decorative cardboard with two different drawings.
- A compass.
- A pen.
- Scissors.
- Hot silicone and his gun.
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We painted three of the sticks of purple. We will also paint the other three of green. We will paint one of them half green and the other half purple. We let it dry. We will see later if it needs another coat of paint, if so we paint it and let it dry again.
Second step:
We take the black cardboard and place it on top of a triangular structure which will simulate the little house. We will do it to calculate how we will make the roof of the house, which It will be in the shape of a roof. We make two equal and cut.
Third step:
Inside the roof we cut a white color circle and you we painted a cross which will simulate the bars on the window.
Fourth step:
We draw freehand the door of the house on a black cardboard. We cut it out. We take the door and we will use it as a template to make another one. We place it on the black cardboard, draw its outline and cut it out.
Fifth step:
When the sticks are dry we will paste them in the form of a triangle with the help of hot silicone. We place the structure on the decorated cardboard and draw the outline to know the proportions. Cut out the cardboard and glue it behind the triangle.
Step Six:
We freehand painted the door of the house. We glue the door, the roof and the window. We take the stick that we have painted in two colors and cut out a piece that will be the chimney. We will also paste it.