Heart candy to give on Valentine's Day

In this tutorial I show you how to make some sweet treats to give on Valentine's Day o Valentine's Day.

They are very easy to make and with a super original final result. What's more I show you a trick so you can do as many as you want!


  • Wrapping paper.
  • Invoice.
  • Colored sticker paper. In this case we will use it in red.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Sewing machine. (can be replaced by glue).
  • Black marker.
  • Candies.
  • Pin.


  • Make your heart template. For this I have used a glass and a pencil, mark the drawing as seen in the image and then cut with scissors. Make it the size you want your candy to fit. If you prefer, you can also get it off the Internet and print it.
  • Fold the wrapping paper, a few times, of the size of your template. ( With this trick you will have a few trimmed at a time and it will be faster).

  • Mark the heart and cut later holding well.
  • Pass a stitch around the contour of the heart, leaving a space to be able to introduce the candies later.
    • If you do not have a sewing machine, you can apply liquid glue around the contour, wait for it to dry and make a false stitch with a red marker around the heart.

  • Customize the confectionery, short red hearts on the sticky paper and write the recipient's name in pretty letters on the red hearts.
  • Stick these on the candy bars, on one side of the heart.
  • Insert the candies and close with another stitch.

  • Do all the steps in series, repeating as many times as you want to make sweets, so it will be easier and faster to do.
  • This is the result, a different and fun candy that you can customize to your liking by changing materials and obtaining your own design. I encourage you to do it!

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