Today I come with a very fun proposal to do with the children, it is about how make a Santa Claus candy box ... In addition to having fun, we will recycle and the children will be delighted with the sweets or sweets that we put inside.
- Cardboard toilet paper tube.
- Pencil or pen.
- Red cardboard.
- Black cardboard.
- White cardboard.
- Cord.
- Scissors.
- Black marker.
- Glue.
- Bag of jelly beans.
- Stapler.
We start by calculating the red card you need. You need to take the measurement of your cardboard tube, both in height and width: You can help yourself to get this measurement by passing a thread around its contour, and remember to give it an extra centimeter so that when placing it it is easier for you. Cut that rectangle out of cardboard and set aside.
Mark on the cardboard with the black marker some lines simulating the bricks of the fireplace. To do this, draw four horizontal lines and then some small interspersed lines that will act as the bricks.
Prepare the accessories, You just have to cut out some cardboard shapes, draw first to make it easier for you: two rectangles for the legs, two ovals for the finishing of the boots, two boots and a jacket, look for it in the image.
Assemble the accessories: as you can see in the image I have glued the rectangle to the boot and on this joint I have placed the white oval, thus we make one leg of the Santa Claus, do the same with the other leg. For the jacket tie a piece of cord and make a loop.
It's assembly time, first glue the legs to the cardboard tube. Look at the image as they are placed so that you do not put them crooked. Put some glue on the red rectangle and glue to the pipe or chimney.
- Now, do the same with the sack.
- Last with a stapler fasten the bag of jelly beans to the cardboard tube, place inside and staple bag to tube.