Table to learn the weather and the days of the week

Table to learn the weather and the days of the week

With this simple and fun craft, children will learn to identify the days of the week. In addition, they can determine the weather and with the tweezers, they will work on fine motor skills. A perfect activity for an afternoon with the children.

Below you will find the list of materials and the step by step to make this learning table. You can add more items depending on the age of the children. For example, you can add elements such as the tasks they do every day, so that they themselves learn to identify what day it is and what task it is.

Craft to learn the weather and the days of the week

Learning table of days and weather

Let's see the materials we need to create this learning table of the days of the week and the weather.

  • A piece of cardboard
  • Cardboards of colors
  • Markers
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue bar
  • The tweezers
  • A piece of rope

Step by step

If you don't want to use the cardstock, you can draw directly on the cardboard. This is the step by step you must follow to obtain a table to learn the weather and the days of the week.

  • First we are going to glue the colored cards on the cardboard.

Learning table

  • We use glue stick and with the scissors we cut the excess of the carton.
  • With the tip of the scissors, pencil, or awl, we make some small holes in the upper part.

Learning table

  • We put the cord to be able to hang the table on the wall.
  • With the pencil we make the posters and drawings, so we can rectify if necessary.
  • Now we are going to decorate the table with the colored markers, we paint the drawings, we review the posters and the words so that they are beautiful and well visible.

Learning table

And voila, we already have a table to learn the days of the week and the weather. With a thumbtack you can hang it on the wall, in the children's room. A) Yes, Each day they will be able to place the clamps on the corresponding day and when they look out the window, they will check the time it takes to place the clamp in the right place.

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