Teacup Bookmarks

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to do this cute teacup-shaped bookmark. It is perfect to give a gift to a lover of infusions or to make it for ourselves if we are the lovers of these drinks.

Do you want to know how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our teacup bookmark

  • Cardboard and / or felt of different colors. We need a color similar to tea, another color for the mug, and black and white to make the details.
  • Thread or fine rope of white color.
  • Scissors and cutter
  • Stick glue and hot silicone glue.
  • Black marker.

Hands on craft

You can see how to make this craft step by step in the following video:

  1. We cut out the different pieces in cardboard and / or felt. I have chosen everything from cardboard but the 'tea' from felt so that it has more texture.
  2. In color cardboard for mug we will draw the shape of a cup and cut it out. You can leave drawings where the eyes, blushes and mouth will go to have the guide later.
  3. With brown felt or brown cardboard we will cut out an elongated oval.
  4. We will cut out two circles in black to eyes and mouth.
  5. In light color two very small circles for the pupil of the eyes and a rectangle that we will fold in half to make the paper for the tea bags.
  6. In a pink or reddish tone we will cut two circles for the cheeks.
  7. And finally, we cut a piece of rope or thread.

  1. With all the pieces cut out it is time to assemble them. First We will glue the rope to the top of the cup and put the felt that makes tea on top to help it fix better. At the other end of the rope We will stick the paper of the tea bags catching the rope in the middle.
  2. Last we stick the face of our cup of tea.

And ready! We already have this beautiful bookmark ready.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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