Tic tac toe special Halloween

Match XNUMX Halloween

Tic tac toe is one of the funniest and simplest games to enjoy an afternoon of fun with the children. You can create all kinds of boards, even a themed one like this Halloween special. In addition to have a new board game, you will spend some time doing crafts with the kids.

With just a few materials and in a few minutes, you will have a fun and terrifying match-XNUMX board special Halloween. Do you want to know how you can do it? Next we will tell you what the materials are and the steps you must follow to achieve it.

Tic tac toe Halloween

Materials tic-tac-toe

These are the materials we need to create this terrifying match-XNUMX board special Halloween. If you want to use other decoration materials, you can complete your board and make it more personal.

  • Cardboard orange, black and white
  • Un pencil
  • Scissors
  • A white colored pencil
  • Eyes articulated

Step by step

First we have to draw the shape of the pumpkin on the orange card. Make sure it is a good size card for a large board.

With a black marker we go over the edges of the pumpkin, so we will have a more detailed and better finished work.

With a marker of another color, in this case purple, we create the shape of the board tic-tac-toe. We only have to make two vertical and two horizontal stripes.

On the white cardboard we will draw the ghost-shaped tiles. We will need 3 tiles of each, we cut out and draw some details.

Now we have to make the chips for the other player, in this case we will make some terrifying bats. We have to cut out three bat-shaped tiles, just like we did with the ghosts.

Now that we have the board finished and all the tiles cut out, it's time to add some decorative details before playing.

We put some self-adhesive eyes On the faces of our ghosts and bats We can paint some details with markers and add as many elements as we want. And we already have our special tic-tac-toe Halloween ready.

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