Tree ornament with corks

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a nice tree topper with corks. It is perfect to make with children and decorate the fir tree as well as recycling.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our tree ornament

  • Corks
  • Piece of rope
  • Cutter
  • Hot glue gun
  • Green marker or other form of decoration such as glitter, green confetti.

Hands on craft

  1. The first step is clean the corks if necessary. For this we are going to put them in boiling water for about 10 minutes. This step is optional.
  2. We take several corks and go cut eight pieces into not very thick rounded sections (about half a centimeter each approximately).

  1. We cut one of the corks in half. We take one of the halves and save the other for another craft. The half we cut it in half but vertically as can be seen in the following photograph.

  1. We arrange the corks so that they form a tree and when we have the desired shape we glue with hot silicone and we wait a moment for it to be well glued.

  1. We decorate one of the sides using a green marker, tempera, sticking glitter or sticking confetti, whatever you have at home. You can also simply leave the cork effect as decoration.
  2. We cut a piece of rope, fold it in half and glue it on the back of the figurine to be able to hang it later on the Christmas tree

  1. If you want you can also decorate the back side of the ornament, and even put some colored balls glued to give a more Christmas touch to the ornament.

And ready! We can now decorate our tree with a simple figure in the shape of a Christmas tree.

I hope you cheer up and make this craft this holiday season.

You can find more crafts made with corks in the following links:

Snowflake-shaped ornament.

Floating boat made of corks.

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