Hello everybody! Today we are going to do this useful craft to understand divisions in a simple wayIt will also help to perform these divisions to do math exercises. It is perfect for children who are beginning to learn divisions or those who do not fully understand its usefulness.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make this craft to understand the divisions
- Various cartons
- A small empty box or egg cup
- Paper, cardstock or post-it
- Small balls or seeds
- Cuter
- Scissors
- Glue
- Markers
Hands on craft
You can see how to make this craft step by step in the following video:
- First of all, we are going to cut a cardboard of the size we prefer since it will be the base of our craft. We can also give it the shape we want, but I recommend square or half-circumference.
- Once we have our base, We are going to draw a half circle in the center, surrounding it with ten small circles. Now we cut with a cutter all these drawings to make room for that space.
- We will cut the empty box in half approximately to obtain a small container that we will glue under the half circumference.
- With another cardboard or colored cardboard we are going to make a second base and glue it under the cardboard that we have done before, in this way all the gaps will be covered.
- Optionally we can cut out small strips of cardstock to glue around the cut out circles to make a kind of little wall. It is optional, because the thickness of the cardboard itself should be sufficient, but just in case it is not, you can do this to prevent the seeds or balls from moving.
- We stick a post-it block next to the container box and write the numbers from 1 to 10 in a row in each of the circles.
- We can decorate if we want the cardboard.
And ready! We can already divide by understanding what we do.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.