Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make a Valentine's mask. It is very easy to do, perfect to do with children and have a fun time, and then they can play with it.
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make our Valentine's mask
- Red cardboard or red eva rubber.
- Chinese stick
- Glue, I use hot glue gun
- Scissors
- Pencil
Hands on craft
- The first step is take the red cardboard, make a rectangle the length of our face. For this we will take the measurement approximately from one temple to the other, from where the temple borders the hair. The height should be approximately from below the cheekbone to above the eyebrow.
- Once we have our rectangle, we we fold in half and we are going to draw a heart as big as possible. We will cut out this heart, fearing to take the two parts of the cardboard to obtain two equal hearts and also, importantly, leave these hearts together in the area where the cardboard is folded.
- Now with the cardboard still folded, we make another heart inside the one we already have. We cut it out to have a hollow heart and we use that hole as a template to draw another heart on the other part of the cardboard and cut out.
- We unfold the cardboard and we already have the glasses for our mask. We take a chopstick and we glue the cardboard to the toothpick by one of the ends to obtain the rod to hold our mask.
- If you want you can decorate the chinese toothpick with some rolled tape or the cardboard with a stick figure of hearts or stars on a glossy paper.
And ready! We have already prepared our Valentine's mask.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.