Today we have a very original and fun Valentine's card. We can give it away at any time of the year, whenever you want to do it in a very special way. Following the steps it will not be very difficult and the results are spectacular. There will be no lack of the different colors that you want to put on it and the cutouts of hearts. Are the ones they will strategically move so you can impress your recipient.
The materials that I have used for this craft are:
- Three pieces of cardboard to make hearts, of three different colors (in my case one red and two roses of different shades)
- a heart about 7,5cm wide to make identical replicas
- a red card, on the other side it will be white (my card is pinocchio paper)
- an A4 size card of the color you want (in my case it is navy blue)
- stick glue or / and cold silicone glue
- scissors
- ruler
- pencil
- a black marker to write
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
To make our Valentine's card, we take the heart that we have made of 7,5cm wide and we will make a replica. To do this we place it on top of a piece of cardboard and we draw its outline with a pencil. For one color of cardstock we make 2 hearts and cut them. For the other two pieces of cardboard of different color, we will 2 hearts in one and 3 hearts in another, we will also cut them out. In total we will make 7 hearts.
Second step:
We take a piece of red cardboard and we are going to cut a 7,5cm wide strip. We are going to paste on the bottom of the strip a heart.
Third step:
We do six folds on the red card, starting from the top of the heart. Folds they have to be about 1cm apart. Then we will go gluing the hearts with the cold silicone, we will place them between the gaps of the folds. We will cut out the excess part of cardboard how far we made the folds. Cut a piece of cardboard 17cm long by 7,5cm wide and we paste it below where did we make this last clipping from.
Fourth step:
We take another piece of red cardboard and cut a rectangle 12cm long by 6,5cm wide. We are going to paste centered under the strip of hearts. The upper part of the red cardboard we fold down, this part that we fold down will be the strip that we will pull down to make the effect.
Fifth step:
We take our A4 cardboard and the let's fold in half, this will be our card. We take the structure that we have made of hearts and we are going to paste inside the card. We will glue with silicone the excess sides of the cardboard piece (12 × 6,5cm) that we made and glued on the strip of hearts. We only glue those sides because the central part has to be free to pull the red strip, which was on the back, downwards. In the part where we are going to pull to make the movement, we can cut out a piece of cardboard with a triangular and arrow shape, to pull down. We glue it. And now we only have to let it dry and write in the parts where we want the message to go.