Valentine keychain


Those days when we get more romantic are coming… Those days when we don't know what to give our partner for Valentine's Day. A few days in which everything turns out to be very commercial ... I propose an original idea that will not cost us money, and if a lot of emotional value, because we are going to do it with our hands !!!

So Today we are going to see how to make a heart-shaped keychain for Valentine's Day and made by ourselves.


To make our heart-shaped keychain for Valentine's Day we will need:

  • Felt.
  • Headband.
  • Button.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Scissors.
  • Screen.
  • Interlining.
  • pencil.
  • Ring.



  • We will start by gluing the between fabric to the fabric. (So ​​the fabric does not fray) ... In my case it is a scrap that I had at home, so we take advantage of everything. We draw a heart on the part of the between fabric and cut out.
  • We cut out two hearts a little larger than the one from the felt fabric. This felt, if it is the fat one, the better, it will give us more body to our keychain.
  • We join the heart of the fabric with a felt one and sew the button, this will help us to join them and that they do not move when sewing.


  • We cut a piece of ribbon of about five centimeters, we pass it through the ring, we fold it and we place it between the two felt hearts. If necessary, you hold it with a pin so that it does not move.
  • We pass a backstitch around the outline of the fabric heart, thus holding the three hearts. We finish the stitching well in the area of ​​the tape, thus obtaining a reinforcement. And we would have our keychain ready, we just need to wrap it beautifully to give as a gift !!!


As i told you an original detail to give these days And if we also want to personalize, we only have to embroider the name or initial on the fabric heart.

I hope you liked it and that it inspires you, see you at the next DIY.

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