vintage star for christmas

vintage star for christmas

We really like this type of crafts, they are ideal and very classic to decorate any corner this Christmas. It is about wooden or porexpan stars, where we have been adding jute ropes and we have formed some classic tassels with some white wooden balls. You have a demonstrative video so you don't lose detail of how this is done vintage decorative piece

The materials I have used for the Christmas star pendants:

  • A porexpan star.
  • Jute rope of a normal thickness.
  • Fine jute rope.
  • Colorless wooden balls of two sizes.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.
  • Gold glitter glue.
  • White glue.
  • A brush.
  • 2 pointed rings for each star.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We paint the star white acrylic paint. We give it several layers so that the shape of the porexpan is not noticeable. We let dry.

Second step:

We take the jute rope and we turn it several times around the star. So that the rope is stuck, we will apply White glue.

vintage star for christmas

Third step:

Let's make the tassel. we fuck a piece of rope more or less long, with the visualization that when folded it is large enough to form the tassel. we cut others 7 more equal pieces of rope.

Fourth step:

we bend the strings in half and tie the top part with 5 or 6 turns. We seal it by making a knot. We will have already made the tassel and to equalize it we will cut the tails of the lower part so that it is even.

Fifth step:

We catch a thin piece of string and we put it in the upper part of the tassel. Followed by the two thin strings we will put three wooden balls, at the ends will be the small ones and in the center the big one.

vintage star for christmas

Step Six:

We place the pointed rings at the bottom and top of the star. To make them more fixed, we can take a droplet of silicone. In the lower ring we will put the strings of the tassel and we will tie it. We cut the excess strings.

Seventh step:

We take another piece of rope that we will pass through the other upper ring. We will also introduce another wooden ball and we will leave enough rope to make the structure hang.

vintage star for christmas

Eighth step:

Finally we decorate the star using a few brush strokes with the gold glitter glue

vintage star for christmas

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