Wallets or purses made of felt

Felt wallets

The purses or wallets They are a must-have item for girls. They come in all styles and shapes and in different materials. Therefore, today we are going to teach you how to make some very practical and striking to be able to wear them this Spring.

These purses They can be great as a gift to any friend or as a gift from the Mother's Day, which is coming up shortly. Bring your imagination alive and create.


  • Felt fabric of different colors.
  • Hilo.
  • Scissors.
  • Narrow bow ribbon.
  • Velcro.
  • Silicone.


  1. Cut a rectangle have 3 equal parts.
  2. Fold two of the parts and sew them decoratively.
  3. Perform same decoration on the edge of the third part.
  4. conduct a felt heart.
  5. Stick it with a silicone point.
  6. Make a bow or looped with the ribbon.
  7. Stick it over the heart of felt.

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