We customize an agenda

customize agenda

We can find a large number of agendas in stationery stores although they do not always have everything we want. Today we are going to customize an agenda that we liked on the outside and the divisions of the days that it has inside, to adapt it to our liking. So go thinking about those things that you usually need to organize and ...

Let´s get started!

Materials you will need:

customize agenda

  • 1 agenda
  • postits and gomets to taste
  • rope or ribbon
  • Glue or hot glue gun

Hands on craft:

  1. We remove all those leaves or part of the agenda that we are not going to use. This, in addition to removing annoying sheets, will allow us to have more space in the width of the dock of the agenda, which will come in handy for the next steps.  calendar
  2. On the back cover of the agenda, on the inside, we are going to accommodate the postits, cutting them into arrow shapes to point to pages, to take long notes, short notes ... And some stickers to highlight some days on the agenda. In addition to all this, you can incorporate all those things that are useful to you, such as clips.  agenda with postit
  3. Lastly, we tie the rope to the dock and we make a few knots along it. Us it will serve as an indicator. Instead of a rope, you can put a ribbon. The advantage of the tape is that since it is flat, it does not interfere when writing on the sheets. With the string, on the other hand, it is necessary to remove it to write.


If you want to improve your diaries even more, you can add an envelope on the front flap, inside. You just have to take an envelope of the right size so that it does not protrude, or make it yourself with a sheet of paper, stick it and you will have a place to put the individual notes.

And ready!

I hope you are encouraged to customize an agenda.

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