There are just a few days left to welcome the new year 2022, a year full of hope, of illusions to leave the pain of the pandemic behind. For say goodbye to this year and leave all the bad behind, it is best to do it with the best attitude. And for this, what better way than to dress in ornaments to celebrate that 2022 is here.
This 2022 welcome headband is a great option that you can make with the little ones in the house. A simple craft, quick to make and perfect to spend an afternoon of family activities. Take note of these simple steps to create at home a crown or headband as fun as the one you see in the image.
2022 welcome headband
The materials we are going to need to create this fun and festive craft are the following.
- EVA rubber black with glitter
- EVA rubber scraps of different colors, preferably with glitter
- Thermo-adhesive gun
- Bars of silicone
- Glitter bars for the heat-adhesive gun
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Adhesive velcro
Step 1:
First we are going to create a template of the numbers. We draw a number 2 and a number 0 on a sheet of paper, cut out to have the mold.
Step 2
With the help of the templates we draw and cut out the numbers that will go on the headband. We will need a zero and three units of the number 2, as we enter the year 2022.
Step 3:
We cut out the numbers in different EVA rubber colors.
Step 4:
Now we have to create the base of what will be the headband. To do this we have to cut a strip of black EVA rubber 60 centimeters long by 5 centimeters wide. For a smaller head we will need a shorter strip and for a larger diameter, a few more centimeters.
Step 5:
With the heat-adhesive gun we paste the numbers on the black strip.
Step 6:
To finish we just have to decorate the numbers a little in the desired way. We can add some touches of glitter silicone using the silicone gun or we can glue some colored beads, even sequins. The last thing we have to do is attach some velcro pieces to the ends of the headband, so we can adjust it to the correct size.