Wine cork napkin holder

Wine cork napkin holder

Un napkin holder made entirely of corks of wine. It is totally unique and original. It is made up of 44 corks, all perfectly glued together, and the ideal size to hold paper napkins and which are easy to grasp.

Choose one paper napkin and be guided by the measurement of the square. Hit three plugs with cork glue one behind the other in a row. Repeat this step 8 times. Then we will place 7 rows next to each other and the eighth at the end of the others, as shown in the image.

Wine cork napkin holder

We already have the base. The row that has been glued perpendicular will serve as the central part of the napkin holder.

We will then glue upright plugs on the left, central and right side, one next to the other, as an open wall.

Then we will place the napkins, and you can serve your food both in a bar and at home, giving a beautiful presentation.

More information - Coasters made of cork stoppers on tiles

Source - Etsy

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