Winter crafts, part 2

winter crafts

Hello everyone! In today's article, we bring you various winter crafts to do these days with the family, when it has already gotten dark and it is colder.

Do you want to know what these crafts are?

Winter Craft Number 1: How to Make Snowflakes

How to make paper snowflakes models

Image | Pixabay

If something is characteristic of winter, besides the cold, it is snow... and specifically snowflakes. Therefore, in the following article we tell you how to make them in a simple way.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: How to make paper snowflakes

Winter craft number 2: Snowball with eva rubber to do with the little ones in the house

Snowballs are another classic, but this one is going to be a little different because we are going to make it with eva rubber so we can use it to decorate everything we want.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below:

Winter craft number 3: Christmas toy

Christmas toy

In addition to having a good time making a craft... What better than being able to play with them afterwards?

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: Christmas toy

Winter craft number 4: Christmas bookmarks

This bookmark is a great idea because we can also give them to those we love. In the link that we leave you below you can see other models of Christmas and winter bookmarks.

You can do the step by step of this craft following the instructions of the link that we leave you below: 3 Christmas crafts. Bookmarks for children

And ready! We already have different crafts to do during these cold days together with a good cup of chocolate or a glass of hot milk.

I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.

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