Three Kings with chocolates

Three Kings with Chocolates

Twelfth Night is approaching in a week and we have to leave something for them to have a snack to leave good gifts to children and adults. Therefore, today we show you how to reuse the typical chocolates to make Three Kings lollipops.

With these lollipops we can satisfy the hunger bug whenever we feel like it and also have a good afternoon with the children cooking and singing Christmas carols by making this craft.


  • Skewers sticks.
  • Round black and white chocolate bonbons.
  • Lacasitos.
  • Scraps of fabric.
  • Yellow folios.


  1. Prick the stick skewer on the bonbon.
  2. Moisten the area a little and stick the smarties white as if they were the eyes and one red as if it were the mouth of the Magi.
  3. Make some mini-crowns with the colored folio.
  4. Put it on the chocolate.
  5. Cut out a square with the scrap of fabric and attach it to the skewer stick as a layer.

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