Halloween witch with felt

Funny witch for halloween

Every day we get closer and closer to the Halloween party and surely you are already looking for objects and materials to be able to decorate the house based on the terrifying details of this holiday. The normal thing for this are witches, ghosts, bats and others, so today we teach you a perfect craft.

With it you can decorate the walls or doors of your party, be it youth or children, since this witch fun made with felt that we teach you today, he just wants to eat a lot of sweets and scare a few neighbors, in order to get a small loot of sweets.


Funny witch for halloween

  • Witch template.
  • Colored pencils.
  • Scissors.
  • Felt of different colors.
  • Needle and thread.


First of all, we will proceed to search the Internet for a funny witch like this and we will draw it on paper or you can also print it and take it out on a blank sheet of paper.

Then we will color this witch In order to be able to be clear about the colors that we are going to use from the felt so that we do not make a lot of mistakes.

Then, we will cut out each piece of the sheet of paper of the witch and we are shaping them on the felt and then cutting it out and preparing it for sewing. Keep in mind that you have to join the pieces so, at the joining points, leave a small margin before cutting and sewing there.

Then we go sewing each piece together, with each other to join them, in addition, we will make the small details to further highlight its relief.

Finally, we will put all the pieces together to definitely form the witch And now you can hang it or stick it on any place in the house as a decoration for the Halloween holiday that is coming up soon.

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