Wooden plane to make with children

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to make this curious wooden plane, perfect to make with children at any time since many materials are not needed and it is very simple to do.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our wooden plane

  • Two wooden clothespins
  • Two craft sticks
  • Wood pellet
  • Wood glue, whatever you have at home, can also be hot silicone, although white glue or similar is better to use with children.
  • Tempera (optional)

Hands on craft

  1. First of all we will disassemble one of the clamps. To give a more beautiful finish you can sand the part of the caliper that is not straight to reduce the thickness of the caliper. Although this is not necessary to have our wooden plane.

  1. We glue one of the craft sticks on the clamp which is still mounted, like towards the middle of the caliper. We glue the other stick of crafts in the same position and height as the previous one but on the other side of the clamps. We squeeze a few seconds well to make it stick well.

  1. We glue one of the pieces of the disassembled caliper at one end of the entire clamp as an airplane tail.

  1. In the middle of the smooth part of the other piece of the disassembled caliper we will paste the wooden ball to obtain the propeller and stick it on the body of the plane that we already have.

  1. The plane would be finished, but you can decorate it with stickers, with tempera or other types of paints for wood crafts.

And ready! We now have our very simple to make wooden plane, perfect for decorating or playing with it.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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