#Yomequedoencasa brotherhood bookmarks

Hello everybody! Today we are going to make this beautiful brotherhood bookmark. We are in Holy Week, and although this year steps or brotherhoods are not going to go out, we can do some thematic crafts of these days. It is perfect to occupy a little of our days together with the little ones at home.

Do you want to know how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our brotherhood bookmarks

  • Cardboard of three colors, two of them to make the brotherhoods, so try to choose colors for the clothing of some brotherhoods that you know.
  • Glue, stick or double-sided tape
  • Marker
  • Scissors

Hands on craft

  1. To start we will cut a rectangle of the width and length that we want our bookmark to have and we put it aside while we do the rest of the craft.

  1. It is time to do the brothers, we are going to cut the following pieces, try to keep them small. For the heads, two rhombuses, one of them can be rounded in a corner so that they are different. The bodies are going to make two triangles with the upper corner rounded. For the cape, two semicircular pieces that protrude from both sides of the body. And thin strips to make the ornaments.

  1. We began to assemble the brothersTo do this, we glue the body in the center of the cape, then we put the belt or various ornaments of the habit.

  1. We fold the protruding part of the cape on the body.

  1. We glue the head and paint two eyes and some buttons with black marker.

  1. To finish we just have to glue the brotherhoods to the top of the rectangle that we had prepared at the beginning of the craft.

And ready! You can make the brothers as you want, you can even add some more or put a candle or a cross to decorate them more.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft. And remember #yomequedoencasa.

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